As Georgia personal injury attorneys, we at Coleman, Chambers and Rogers, LLP are often faced with clients who are so seriously injured that they are permanently damaged or impaired. These cases involving car accidents, wrecks, workers’ compensation injuries, and large trucking accidents are best handled by experienced lawyers who focus upon this specific area of practice.
If you have sustained any permanent injuries then you could be eligible for an impairment benefit. Under the Safety, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act of 1988 ‘impairment’ is defined as the loss, loss of use, or the damage or malfunction of any part of the body or any bodily system or function. An impairment benefit is a separate payout from others such as; lost income and medical expenses. Essentially, you are being paid because you are impaired; therefore not being able to function as you did prior to the incident. You will receive payments to ‘make up for your loss of enjoyment of life’.
Examples of permanent impairment include but are not limited to:
- Constant neck or back pain
- Reduced shoulder movement
- A spinal cord injury
- An amputated finger
- Muscle spasms
- Foot/ankle/knee injuries
If you have been in an accident and you think you may be entitled to an impairment benefit, then you should contact Coleman, Chambers and Rogers, LLP for your free consultation. The next step in this process is to be checked out by a specialist doctor, also called an “Independent Impairment Assessor”. They will conduct various tests to see your bodily movements and functions and from there they will determine whether your injuries meet the threshold for compensation. The doctors will evaluate you and give you a percentage (%) based on your impairment. Based on that percentage, you can start to see the amount of money you will be paid for your injuries.
Here at Coleman, Chambers and Rogers, LLP, we take the extra step to make sure you are well informed about this type of compensation. Permanent Impairment is usually swept under the rug with large corporate law firms. We ensure to you that your case will be handled personally here at our offices located in Gainesville, GA and Dawsonville, GA. Call us today at (800) 400-LAW or visit our website at